Montessori Academy
Little Llama
The most common question we receive is: What is the difference between Montessori and Daycare?
At the core of the Montessori curriculum is the belief that each child learns differently, and their education should be tailored to their individual needs. While there are several distinctions between Montessori schools and traditional daycares, here are a few of the most prominent ones
Montessori Teacher has an unobtrusive role in classroom activity; gives primarily individual lessons with children working independently.
The environment and method encourage internal self-discipline. Self-motivation is the goal.
Child spots her/his own errors through feedback from the material not adult correction.
Children choose their own work based on their own interests and abilities.
Three-year, mixed aged environment. The older children act as mentors to the younger children.
Daycare teacher is the central figure in classroom activity; mainly entire group lessons with all children doing the same activity at the same time.
External forms of discipline –rewards and punishments—are used as motivators.
Errors are pointed out and correction is usually given by the adult.
Curriculum is structured for the group with little variance for individual interests.
Children grouped by age